How do I obtain a business license?
Are you starting a new business? Are you re-establishing a business in which the license has expired? What type of license is required for your business? These are all good questions that you are considering as you begin this next chapter. We know that securing your business license is a legal requirement that can result in fines, penalties, or even the closure of your business. That being said, it’s of the utmost importance to make sure you are filing the correct paperwork and are completing the necessary steps to ensure you have met this legal requirement. Our team at PFSS is well-equipped to help you get your business up and running in no time. First, we will determine which license is needed and we will compile the application and filing instructions. Then, we will verify license status and any expiration dates. We will also identify supporting documents and application fees. And lastly, we will complete and submit the application to the licensing authority and communicate with that office until the license is issued. You will find that working with our team simplifies this process for you and alleviates the stress that sometimes comes with dealing with governmental agencies. Contact us today to get your business started!