What’s in a name?


How did Professional Filing & Search Services, Inc. get their name? Margaret and Phil decided to start a company in 2014 that would not only assist businesses and entrepreneurs to realize their business goals, but that would also utilize the skills they developed after more than 30 years in the industry. The first consideration was Collins Business Services, but they thought it best to not utilize a personal name in the business title. Phil, new to the industry himself, asked Margaret to clarify what specifically the business does. Anyone in this industry could tell you there are many complicated facets of what we do but if you boiled it down to just a few words it would be “filing” and “searching” and considering we pride ourselves on our professionalism, we decided on Professional Filing & Search Services, Inc. Both Phil and Margaret were happy with the choice and a new business was born. Since then, Phil has passed on, but his memory will always live on in our hearts and in this business he helped create. Thank you Phil for the many years of memories and for all the hard work you provided that helped us reach our ten year anniversary, coming in Summer 2024.

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